Ministry Software
How it works
If you have any questions about what CrossReference is or what it can do for you, see our videos below to get explanations of how CrossReference works.
Making sense of information
Making Sense of Ministry InformationSee how CrossReference® can make the task of tracking your ministry easy.Play Video >>
Learning how to use CrossReference®
Learning How to Use CrossReferenceCrossReference® is actually easy to learn, however we also offer seminars and instruction on how to use the system. Ministry is hard enough without adding an enormous learning curve along with it. Find out more about how we make CrossReference easy to learn.Play Video >>
The beauty of web forms
Web FormsThere are so many reasons to post web forms; from registering people for retreats and conferences to taking short term missions applications online to taking opinion polls and more. Find out how easy it is to post a web form.Play Video >>
Using groups to bring structure
Database GroupsYou may not realize it, but the importance of being able to group information together is critical. Groups allow you to understand how you information is related to your ministry. See what groups in CrossReference® can do for you.Play Video >>
Adding even more structure through hierarchies
Ministry groups in a hierarchyPutting your records into groups is helpful. It helps you to know when a record is part of something. However, CrossReference® gives you the ability to make some groups a part of other groups. Learn how.Play Video >>
Learning key things about your ministry
Ministry InformationHaving information in groups tells you a lot about your ministry, putting those groups into a hierarchy tells you even more. But summaries tell you the kinds of information you really need to know. Find out how summaries can help you.Play Video >>
Being specific about the contacts you look at
Easy QueriesQuerying is the process of asking the database a question. "Who are my leaders?" "Which of the men in the group are heavily involved in the ministry?" See how querying works in CrossReference®.Play Video >>
Using your information
Use Ministry InformationHaving information is good. Using your information is even better. Do mass emailings. Merge to Microsoft office. Put contacts into your phone. Make the list into a new group. Click below to learn about all the wonderful things you can do with your information in CrossReference®Play Video >>
Protecting yourself from information overload
Keeping a clean databaseAlthough having useful information is a good thing, having too much useless information can kill your database. Once it gets too big, it becomes hard to manage. In ministry, you will amass enormous amounts of information and looking through so much information can be blinding. Hear about how CrossReference® can help you.Play Video >>
Using your database for many things
A database for many thingsTracking your ministry is different than tracking donors which is different than fielding an online retreat registration. Wouldn't it be wonderful if your database could fill all these needs and more? See how Crossreference can fill many needs at the same time.Play Video >>
The ease of CrossReference®
Ministry Database made easyWhat would it take to field your own system? It involves much more than you think. Let us be your IT department. Let us resource your and take care of your headaches. Learn how CrossReference® can make your life simple.Play Video >>
Moulding CrossReference® to your ministry
A Ministry Database which fits youBecause ministries are so different from one another, what they need in a database differs as well. See how Vituramis can custom make a system for you.Play Video >>
Adding to your system
Ministry Software pluginsPlugins are additions which can be added to a system to add to their abilities. If CrossReference® doesn't already do it, a plugin can be made to add to the system. Find out how plugins work.Play Video >>
Bringing everything together
A Ministry Database for the main officeMinistries often consist of a central office and many local chapters. CrossReference can bring together the information of all local chapters worldwide into a single place. Find out about Organizational Databases. (For Central Offices)Play Video >>
Linking existing systems with CrossReference®
Ministry Software and Web ServicesIf you have an existing system and you can program for it, then you can link your existing system with CrossReference® Find out how. (For Central Offices)Play Video >>
Futureproofing your ministry
Adaptable ministry softwareAs your ministry changes, will your software change with it? As your ministry reorganizes and priorities change, CrossReference® changes with you. See how we can futureproof your ministry. (For Central Offices)Play Video >>
Adapting to your ministry
Ministry Software which fits youWe don't ask you to mould to us. We mould to you. Learn how. (For Central Offices)Play Video >>
The uniqueness of ministry
Ministry is UniqueYour ministry is unique and your work is important. You should have a system made for you. CrossReference® was made from years of ministry experience. See how we can serve you.Play Video >>
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We Serve You So You Can Serve Them